Helpful Tips for Changing a Room's Humidity Levels.

How To Control The Humidity In A Room To Reach Healthy Humidity Levels

May 17, 2024

Humidity is the measure of moisture content in the air. It's noticeable when there's too much or too little; hot, muggy days are unbearable because of high humidity, and cold winter days can make your lungs hurt because of low humidity. Inside your home, you still have to deal with high and low humidity. Excess moisture in your home can cause a number of problems: a clammy, uncomfortable feeling, water stains on walls and ceilings, rotting window sills, a musty odor, and mold. With over 115 years of experience, the technicians at Lozier Heating & Cooling are well-equipped to help you address or prevent these issues to create a comfortable living space inside your home.

What Causes Humidity In A Home?

The cause for excess humidity can be anything from roof or plumbing leaks to taking prolonged showers, a clogged condensate drain or inadequate ventilation. The climate and temperature you live in also have an effect on humidity. For example, the average humidity inside a home in southern states like Florida is going to be much higher than that of one located in northern states like New York.

How Do I Know If My Home Is Too Humid?

Regardless of the season, some homes may experience too much humidity. You know your home is too humid in the winter when you see excessive condensation on the windows. This happens when windows cooled by low outside temperatures encounter warm, moist interior conditions. Condensation can drip onto window sills and down walls, causing wood rot, water stains and other problems. Condensation can also occur in the attic from an improperly vented exhaust fan or inadequate insulation on the attic floor.

What Is A Healthy Humidity Level For My Home?

Your home's relative humidity should ideally be between 30 and 50 percent. In general, humidity will be in the lower range during the winter and higher in the summer. You can purchase an inexpensive device called a hygrometer from your local home improvement store to test the humidity levels. If the humidity in your home is outside of the healthy levels, installing a humidifier can help add or remove moisture. Our local technicians are dedicated to delivering tailored solutions that meet the unique needs of every home we serve, helping you maintain comfort throughout the year.

Can Humidity Make You Sick? Understand The Effects Of High & Low Humidity On Health

In summer, humidity exceeding 50 percent can make a home's occupants feel too warm, and the same problems of mold, musty odors and water stains will occur. At the same time, when the air is more humid, heat and moisture can create an uncomfortable ‘sticky’ feeling on your skin and clothing. Meanwhile, low humidity during the winter months can cause your skin, eyes and nasal passages to dry out and increase discomfort. If you’re concerned about the humidity levels in your home, our local technicians, with over 115 years of experience, are here to helpA few ways too high or too low humidity levels can affect your health and comfort in your home include:

  • Sleep quality
  • Increased allergies
  • Virus transmission
  • Mold and fungal growth
  • Respiratory problems

How Do I Reduce Indoor Humidity In My House?

Once you determine the source of excess moisture in your home, there are a few steps you can take to lower humidity:

  • Take shorter showers
  • Fix plumbing or roof leaks
  • Install attic insulation or fix any cracks or gaps to prevent moisture
  • Fix ductwork leaks
  • Caulk around windows and add insulation around doors
  • Install exhaust ventilation in the kitchen and bathrooms
  • Install a dehumidifier to balance humidity levels
  • Clear obstructions in the HVAC condensate drain
  • Clean your HVAC system coils regularly

How To Raise The Indoor Humidity In A Room

If your home is too dry in the winter, add humidity to your rooms with a few simple steps:

  • Use a warm- or cold-mist vaporizer or a humidifier to quickly raise the humidity level. Be sure to use distilled water to keep your home and environment from having a calcium buildup
  • Close any air leaks in your home's exterior to lessen how much air travels inside
  • Let a pot of water slowly simmer on your stove
  • Set plants around any room that needs more moisture

Need Help Controlling Indoor Humidity In Your Home? Reach Out To The Experts At Lozier!

Lozier Heating & Cooling, a trusted local HVAC provider with over 115 years of experience in the Des Moines Metro, is ready to help you manage your home's humidity levels. If you’re unsure where your humidity problem is coming from or need assistance with how to control the humidity in a room, Lozier’s licensed, local technicians are here to help. From humidifier installation to ductwork repair, we’re happy to help you find the humidity solution that works best for you. Give us a call at (515) 267-1000, text us at (515) 393-4262 or schedule an appointment online today.